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Extracts from the national elections database

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Basis election

The election whose geographical division forms the basis for the calculations.

Extraction election

The election or elections for which data is extracted - calculated on the basis of the Geographical division of the mainelection
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Extra parameters

Please adjust data extract acording to your needs


Please select parties and possibly groups of parties - At least one party must be chosen

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Population statistics

Please select whether you want population statistics with the data set. The population statistics are deducted from the most recent population census from Statistics Denmark - a new census is made at the beginning of every five years - and thus do not refer to the actual election date. Data is always retrieved for polling stations.Data is always retrieved for polling stations.
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Please wait ... Data extraction may take several minutes.


Summary of chosen data
Basis election
Extraction election
Extra parameters
Max divergence.:
Geografical level:
Short variablenames:
Personal votes:
Mandates in national elections.:
Population statistics
Search ID